ADHIKA INC celebrated International Women’s Day

March 17, 2020

Sydney: Adhika Inc aimed to Aspire, Advocate and Achieve celebrated the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2020 with an “Each for Equal” Forum and Gala Dinner on their 8th year of community service last March 14 at DOOLEYS Cathólic Club Lidcombe IWD Forum (Two Hrs Session 1) was facilitated by Michelle Baltazar publisher-editor of the Australian Filipina Magazine.

The keynote speaker was HE Ambassador Hellen B. De La Vega from the Philippine Embassy in Canberra, an incredibly inspirational woman and recipient of the Order of Sikatuna with the Rank of Datu (Gold Cross) in 2018.

The two-hour forum also featured TED-style talks from other outstanding women in the community who talked about their life experiences and wisdom Marissa Dionson-Bala (Law), Councillor Linda Geronimo-Santos (Politics), Fideliz Cruz (Faith and Entrepreneurship), Dr. Marietta Languido (Health), Julia Newbould (Money) and Tina Ranoso Bangel (Music). The theme is: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Building Stronger Foundations for Gender Equality in the Next Decade.

Philippine Consul General HE Ezziden Tago also delivered his inspirational speech on Sydney IWD theme: “We make change, work for women”

The three-course formal Gala Dinner session (Session 2) continued in the evening with entertainment by the Mindanao Ethnic Dance Group and VSD Dancerz, One Voice Kids’ singers, Adhika Young Ambassadors: Robyn Russel, Andrea Derpo, Cathrine Theatco, Stacy Bustamante, Patricia Tuivai and Mae Galvez welcomed by Adhika Inc’s Josie Musa and Consul Melanie Diano during their inspirational talks.
Special Filipino-Australian Awardees were:
Alberto Dionisio, Antoine Georges, Alma Argayoso, Stacy Bustamante, Dr. Marietta Languido and Julia Newbound, awarded by Adhika Inc spearheaded by Josie Musa, President supported by the Philippine Embassy, Philippine Consulate General of Sydney, Philippine Department of Tourism and Philippine Department of Trade and Industry.

Our inspiring women awarded honorees were: Marissa Dionson-Bala, Tina Bangel, Emma Braceros, Cecilia Flores, Nelma Galas, Linda Geronimo-Santos, Jesusa Jelaratne, Ma. Aileen Labiga, Serna Ladia, Maria Corazon Paras, Anne Marie Therese, Socorro Ramos-Avila, Ruth de la Peña-Tabeta, Josephine Tada and Edna Wacher.

Jojo Sebastian, multi-talented singer and performer along with Susana Downes, Miss Earth Australia 2019 emceed the gala dinner with closing remarks by broadcaster-writer Violi Calvert of Radio Tagumpay 100.1 Triple H FM.
photos by: Ronell Amper and Serna Ladia