31 years
Community Service
News and Views
of the
Filipino Community Worldwide
Munting Nayon (MN), an online magazine, is home to stories and news about our Filipino compatriots scattered around the world.
MN is operated by Eddie Flores.
Last Update: Mon Jul 01 2019
31 years
Community Service
News and Views
of the
Filipino Community Worldwide
Munting Nayon (MN), an online magazine, is home to stories and news about our Filipino compatriots scattered around the world.
MN is operated by Eddie Flores.
Last Update: Mon Jul 01 2019
31 years of Community Service
Super Typhoon Yolanda


By Carlos Arnaldo
November 30, 2013

4:30 AM at Kilometer Zero. The city was still sleeping in an inky darkness, as over a hundred runners had gathered excitedly in front of the Rizal monument at Luneta. So early? Yea, Im nervous just thinking about it, I want to run!

The Knights of Rizal launched Rizal Month with a gala Unity Run, Bagong Simula sa Kilometer Zero, at the Rizal Monument, Luneta.

Thank You balloons

Run for fun? Run to launch Rizal Month. Run to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Rizal Monument. Run for unity! Run to say thank you to the generous people from so many countries that offered relief goods, medicine, doctors, search and rescue teams, floating hospital, tents and so many other utensils to rebuild after the devastation of Super Typhoon Yolanda.

A number of the survivors, temporarily camped at Villamor Airbase relief center, joined our Bagong Simula sa Kilometer Zero. They proudly, gratefully carried the flags of the many contributing countries, Red Cross and UN agencies. My papa is a fisherman, he lost his boat. We lost our house, the waves were taller than our house and the winds were mean and strong like giant hands, recounted a young girl from Guiuan, a coastal town of Samar. Of the 11 million people or more affected by Yolanda, more than 2 million are children. The country flags decked the starting line and all cheered the runners. The survivors were so very grateful, you could see it on their faces.

Over 2,000 hopefuls ran the three, five and ten kilometer courses, several hundred were high school students, many were young and even one toddler swinging between his parents!

Members of the Supreme Council, Deputy Supreme Commander Sir Jerry Singson KGOR and Sirs Dave Santos KGOR, Ave Torres KGOR, and Choy Arnaldo KGOR awarded the prizes.

After the races, Sir Reghis led the knights and guests in a formal wreath laying ceremony to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the Rizal Monument. NHCP Director Ludovico Badoy accompanied the Supremo. The party included the Supreme Council, Knights and partner organizations. Honor Guard was conducted by the Philippine Marines.