By Domingo P. Herras
December 26, 2021

MANILA,Philippines – The Federation of Philippine Photographer’s Foundation’s 35th Photo World Asia 2022 Trade Show and Exhibitions was successfully launched last Friday, December 17, 2021 at the FPPF Art Chambers in Intramuros, Manila, according a high ranking ranking FPPF official.

The launching ceremonies was graciously attended by country’s various prominent photographic suppliers and sponsoring firms, corporations, media networks and other business support groups affirming their commitment and assurance of their full participation and support in the forthcoming international photographers conference and photography trade show and exhibits commencing from January 28-30, 2022.

The Federation wishes to announce and inform its affiliate photographic member organizations that with the easing of quarantine restrictions protocols, the IATF, thru its LGUs has allowed in-person face-to-face gatherings, however with strict observance and compliance of social distancing and necessary safety precautions, by granting and allowing the possible holding of photography trade shows to be held in an open-air area at the Fort Santiago Grounds, making it as its trade show exhibition venue.

Among those sponsoring firms and companies who had affirmed full support and participation during the forthcoming Trade Show who attended last Thursday’s, Dec. 16 meeting were Colent Marketing, Centrex Corporation, Agile Technologies Inc/Altitude Digital, Canon Marketing Phils, Henry’s Cameras, PictureBooks, Vizen Marketing, Abacus, YKL Corporation, Seagate, and Fujifilm. Many more are expected to come in as they learn of the easing conditions in the current pandemic.

FPPF Chairperson Mrs. Eduviges Y. Huang despite difficult conditions during pandemic crisis, the FPPF is forging ahead with the realization of the Trade Show. She also informed sponsors of efforts to keep FPPF going and keep its photography activities alive by way of workshops and photo competitions. Mrs. Huang also announced that another project in the pipeline is a propose plan with a National government agency to shoot and document beautiful places in the different regions of the country, Huang happily announced.

FPPF President Pablo Beltran thanked the suppliers and sponsors for their continued support. “Even with limited opportunities in this pandemic, we always find time to shoot. We always have our cameras with us,” he said. “What we do at FPPF is to teach people the right way to take photos, a serious study of photography. We have a proven method that has produced many award-winning photographers not only in national photo contests but also in international photo competitions.” Beltran said.

Photo World Asia 2022 is now on its 35th year of unparalleled community service in the field of professional and technical education in Photography. Photo World Asia is a continuing annual local and international educational conference of amateurs and professional Photographers and Photographic and Trade Exhibitions which had been held continuously since 1987.

Its major components are 1) an international photographers’ conference, and 2) the photography trade show. This year, the third major component may not be held this year is the Photoworld Cup photo exhibit - the culmination of a year-long monthly photo competition among affiliated camera clubs/associations with the FPPF .
FPPF and Photoworld Facebook Posts Articles
Personal Interview and Telephone Interview
FPPF Photos Courtesy of FPPF President Pablo “Ka Lito” Beltran
Photos taken inside the FPPF Art Chambers during the Launching Ceremonies-
Photos taken by: Jean Canubas, and
FPPF/PPP Press Photographer Romy Papa

As a Freelance Writer and Press Photojournalist he writes and contributes news and feature articlesin the various foreign and local daily broadsheets, tabloid newspapers and online news magazines abroad. He is currently active member of the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation, Inc. (FPPF).
He is also an active regular member of the Press Photographers of the Philippines. He had recently completed the Reuters Journalism Digital Training Course and awarded a Certificate of Completion by the Reuters Journalism Foundation.