First Largest State-Of-the-Art Catholic Cathedral Inaugurated and Consecrated in the Arab Gulf Region in Awali, Bahrain

By Domingo P. Herras
December 16, 2021
“Let Us Arise and Build GOD’s House.”
(cf. Nehemiah 2:18)

MANILA, Philippines – His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, representing his father, Bahrain's King, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa inaugurated Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral, the first largest cathedral constructed within the very heart of the oil-rich desert of Arabian Gulf Region last Dec. 9. The state-of-the-Art Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia was inaugurated under the patronage of His Majesty the King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in Awali, Bahrain according to a press statement and television live broadcast.

The Cathedral which is an outstanding symbol of Bahrain’s religious harmony and tolerance has 2,200 seating capacity, two chapels with 80 seating capacity, 800 seating capacity auditorium and 8 confession rooms. The new Cathedral stretches within 9,000 square metres of land donated by His Majesty the King, the report added.

The ark-shaped cathedral seats 2,300 worshippers and serves the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia, which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and formally, Saudi Arabia. Located in Awali, 16 miles south of Manama, the 2.2-square acre plot of land was donated by Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa eight years ago. Two chapels and two other large rooms with places for confession and spiritual formation are part of the complex. The cathedral is topped with an octagonal dome -- a geometric detail found in several churches around the world, such as the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, and Germany's Aachen Cathedral. The number eight in Christianity signifies resurrection and a new beginning.

The momentuous historical inaugural ceremony was attended by members of the Royal family, Personal Representative of His Majesty the King, His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, senior government officials, ambassadors, Dr. Shaikh Khalid bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence. Also present on the occasion were His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle – Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, His Grace Archbishop Eugene Martin Nugent – Apostolic Nuncio in the Gulf Region, His Excellency Bishop Paul Hinder – Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia and Apostolic Administrator of Northern Arabia, the Reverend Fathers of the two Vicariates in the Peninsula, Religious Sisters, dignitaries and guests.
His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Khalifa conveyed greetings from His Majesty the King, stressing royal pride in opening the largest cathedral in the Arabian Gulf region. He highlighted His Majesty, the King’s enlightened vision to foster rapprochement between religions and culture in line with Bahrain’s commitment to promoting dialogue between religions, cultures and civilizations. He affirmed His Majesty the King’s keenness on bolstering Bahrain’s standing as a civilized country and a pioneering beacon of tolerance between peoples and religions, which turned the Kingdom into a model of tolerance and coexistence, the press report said.

He also reiterated Bahrain’s rejection of extremism, violence, hatred, bigotry, underlining the importance of strengthening bonds of cooperation, friendship between all countries and peoples on the basis of mutual respect.
He stressed Bahrain’s pride in its relations with the church for its pivotal role in spreading the culture of peace and love. He said that His Majesty the King gifted a land covering 9000 square metres to construct the cathedral, which reflects HM the King’s vision to protect liberties, promote diversity within unity, ethical and religious principles and values.
His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa hailed the efforts of the Government, chaired by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to foster these values and principles between all social segments in Bahrain which embraces all religions and sects.
His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa received on this occasion a commemorative gift from His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Representative of Pope Francis.
The inaugural ceremony began with the national anthem of Bahrain by the Ministry of Interior band. His Highness Shaikh Abdullah lit a crystal ball with words like peace, faith, love, hope, mercy, wisdom and charity, to mark the occasion, the live television broadcast report added.
In his live television speech, His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Representative of His Holiness Pope Francis, said he was deeply honoured to witness this momentuous historic event. His Eminence conveyed the message of His Holiness Pope Francis of greetings of peace and solidarity to His Majesty the King on the inauguration of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia.

“The Holy Father and the Catholic community in the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia thank your Majesty the King for continuing the tradition of the Royal Family of its closeness and support to the Catholic Church down the years and especially for donating the land on which now stands this beautiful Cathedral.”
“Allow me here to recall with gratitude the work begun by the late Bishop Camillo Ballin, who was also the personal friend of His Majesty, for his efforts to initiate this project. I am grateful to Bishop Paul
Hinder, who after the death of Bishop Ballin, accepted the additional responsibility as the Apostolic Administrator of the Vicariate of Northern Arabia and was instrumental in bringing this project to a successful conclusion.” He expressed his gratitude for the contribution of the architecture and people who have collaborated in the planning and execution of this construction especially during the difficult time of the pandemic, the report added.
“This place will now be a house of God. It will also be a monument to the friendship and harmony that exists between the Catholic and Islamic people in the Kingdom of Bahrain. From this sacred place, prayers will be raised to Almighty God for the intentions of His Majesty the King and all the people of the Kingdom of Bahrain. From this sacred place too, hearts will be purified, fraternal love will be nurtured and service of the common good will be promoted.”
“May Almighty God continue to bless Your Majesty, the King, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the Royal Family with good health, peace and prosperity. May the people of the Kingdom of Bahrain always enjoy the gifts of harmony and peaceful coexistence,” Cardinal Tagle in his closing live speech.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, consecrated Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral in Bahrain, the newest and largest cathedral in the Persian Gulf region last Dec.10.
Cardinal Tagle joined the choir in singing "Spirit, wash over me, cleanse me, refresh me, and fill me anew," as he sprinkled holy water on the clergy and parishioners and sanctified the cathedral for its service.
"Dear brothers and sisters, as we solemnly dedicate this house, let us humbly call upon the Lord our God to bless this water he has created ... as a sign of repentance in a remembrance of baptism and by which the new walls and altar will be purified," said Cardinal Tagle. "May the Lord support us with his grace so that, docile to the Spirit whom we have received, we may remain faithful in his church."

"Dear family of God, please come home often to this church, to meet and converse, talk with our merciful Father. God eagerly awaits you. It would be a pity to have a beautiful house with no one living there," the cardinal told international congregants during his homily.
"But with your frequent spiritual gatherings here, anyone who enters will feel, breathe, and touch the love and warmth of God's family. ... While the construction of a building comes to an end, the construction of the church as a community never ends," Cardinal Tagle said.
He encouraged parishioners to care deeply for one another, listen intently to God's word and apply it, and provide charitable services to those in need.

Concluding his homily, Tagle said: “With the dedication of the cathedral, we also dedicate each one of you, your families, and the community, to the life and service of Jesus Christ. May our blessed Mother, Mary, Our Lady of Arabia, who is the model disciple of her Son, Jesus, keep your hearts in her Immaculate Heart. May the living stones of the Catholic community contribute to the strengthening of solidarity, unity, and fraternity in Bahrain,” Vatican Cardinal Tagle in his final concluding live speech.

Bahrain, a tiny, predominantly Muslim island nation -- smaller in area than London -- and key U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf, built a significant monument to the Christian faith in response to the Gulf region's increasing Catholic population, now estimated at 2.5 million.
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As Freelance Writer and Press Photojournalist, he writes and contributes news and feature articles in the various local and foreign dailys and broadsheets newspapers, including online international news magazines abroad. He is currently active member of the Federation of Philippine Professional Photographers, Inc. (FPPF). He is also an active regular member of the Press Photographers of the Philippines. He had recently completed the REUTERS Digital Training Course and Awarded a Certificate of Completion by the REUTERS Journalism Foundation, Inc.