Marriage Preparation Class Graduation at Prince of Peace Parish
Jojo Taduran
March 26, 2018
Eleven couples completed their Marriage Preparation Classes at Prince of Peace Church last week. The couples were guided to their sacrament of marriage, and were enlightened on what to expect during their married life, including resolutions to typical problems they may encounter.
The Course Couples were guided by pastors Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Salandanan, Fr. Michael Holmes of Prince of Peace Parish and five happily married couples, (with a combined married bliss of over 220 years.)
Subjects covered, include : Sacrament of Marriage, Marital Consent, Communication (conflict resolution), Parenthood, Goals and Values, preparation for wedded life, (I to We), Intimacy & Sexuality, Parenthood & Married Life. Financing (stewardship/ budgeting), Natural Family Planning and Wedding Rites.
Classes were conducted in form of: lectures, group discussions, couples dialogue, open forum, prayers and scripture reading, Holy Mass, and a movie on a married couple. The Course Conductors also shared their experiences with the Course Couples. Outside professionals gave lectures on sensitive subjects.
Fr. Michael Holmes: Welcomed the couples, and explained the Sacrament of Marriage,
Michael & Michelle Dizon: An alumnus of this Marriage Preparation Class, (about 10 years ago;now have three children) shared their ups and downs experiences during their happy married life. They continue to work together as one to keep their stable marriage.
Course Conductors Rene and Malou Andrada (married for 43 years), spoke on how they managed and raised their seven grown children, while employed with major corporations.
Course Conductors George & Dolly Poblete, shared their 61 years of married life: spoke about their experiences and love life through the years. They have 6 children (married to spouses of different ethnic origin, have 14 grandchildren ,10 of them are University graduates). They are now spending the rest of their married life, helping in the community and the religious activities.