Hawaiians visited the Prince of Peace Church in Scarborough
By Manuel Papa and Dindo Orbeso
August 31, 2018
The Hawaiians visited the Prince of Peace seniors gathering. They presented a number of Hawaiian dances and invited the Seniors in the parish to join them in singing and dancing. Guests came also in their Hawaiian costumes, feasted on the delicious luau, played bingo and enjoyed the afternoon socials.
This monthly gathering were led by Cynthia Acayan, Kay Lue, Angie and Arthur Akam, Susan Mohamed, Peter Lue, Bonnie Kwong, Charity Ahmad, and Pat Martyn . They were assisted by volunteers Clare Fok, Elizabeth Cruz, Shirley Yepson Delia and Liz and many others.
Guests dancers came from SOSA (Ditas,Dolly, etc.). Guests seniors who joined the Hawaiian dancers include Jozef Widjaya, Mila, Fred Cruz, Becky, George and Dolly Poblete, Sonia and her group from MFFC, Everybody enjoyed this Hawaiian event of PoP Parish.