Press Release
By Tony A. San Juan, OCT.
November 25, 2015
In a determined effort as part of its community outreach services, theFilipino Centre Toronto (FCT ) launches its Mentoring Program recently. The Program is being rolled out to the Filipino Canadian community and other ethnic communities in partnership with theToronto Region Immigrants Employment Council( TRIEC) , with funding from the "New Horizons for Seniors Program".
The FCT- TRIEC Mentoring Program aims to bring together internationally educated newcomer- immigrants and established Filipino Canadian professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships. The Program hopes to contribute and meet the need of skilled Filipinos and other immigrants for successful career adjustment and integration into the Canadian labour market. Skilled newcomers entering the Program are given the opportunity to acquire information & insights and access to professional networks through a one-to-one professional mentoring process.
TRIECwas formed in 2003 "to find solutions to the unemployment and underemployment of immigrants. It is helping newcomers establish professional connections through mentoring and developing tools and programs to support employers and newcomers with integration" in the Greater Toronto Region labour market.TheFilipino Centre Toronto, organized in 2000, is a community-based, volunteer-run non- profit organization and has been serving the Filipino Canadian- and- other ethnic communities through its community development and outreach &integration initiatives engaging students, youths, seniors, and professionals.
Currently, FCT is encouraging and inviting experienced & practicing Filipino Canadian professionals to get involved by engaging and offering their expertise as Volunteer Mentors in the Program. On one hand, Filipino newcomers are encouraged to join the Program as Mentees.
To become a Mentee, one "must have lived in Canada for less than 3 years and have limited or no Canadian experience; have the required English skills; have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent; be eligible to work in Canada; currently unemployed or underemployed ;and currently actively seeking work."
"Mentors must have worked in their field for at least 3 years and have a combination of industry knowledge and experience They should have active links to professional associations and business networks and recent experience in their occupational field."
Mentors and Mentees are requested to "commit to a total of 24 hours over four months. Meetings between them can be in person, online, over the phone and include referral meetings" on arranged schedules.
For applications and further information about the FCT -TRIEC Mentoring Partnership Program, contactMary Ann San Juanat:,Tel.orWendy Arenaat: , Tel..( T. San Juan).
Filipino Centre TorontoOffers Job - Specific Mentoring Program to Internationally Trained Newcomers

November 25, 2015
In a determined effort as part of its community outreach services, theFilipino Centre Toronto (FCT ) launches its Mentoring Program recently. The Program is being rolled out to the Filipino Canadian community and other ethnic communities in partnership with theToronto Region Immigrants Employment Council( TRIEC) , with funding from the "New Horizons for Seniors Program".
The FCT- TRIEC Mentoring Program aims to bring together internationally educated newcomer- immigrants and established Filipino Canadian professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships. The Program hopes to contribute and meet the need of skilled Filipinos and other immigrants for successful career adjustment and integration into the Canadian labour market. Skilled newcomers entering the Program are given the opportunity to acquire information & insights and access to professional networks through a one-to-one professional mentoring process.
TRIECwas formed in 2003 "to find solutions to the unemployment and underemployment of immigrants. It is helping newcomers establish professional connections through mentoring and developing tools and programs to support employers and newcomers with integration" in the Greater Toronto Region labour market.TheFilipino Centre Toronto, organized in 2000, is a community-based, volunteer-run non- profit organization and has been serving the Filipino Canadian- and- other ethnic communities through its community development and outreach &integration initiatives engaging students, youths, seniors, and professionals.
Currently, FCT is encouraging and inviting experienced & practicing Filipino Canadian professionals to get involved by engaging and offering their expertise as Volunteer Mentors in the Program. On one hand, Filipino newcomers are encouraged to join the Program as Mentees.
To become a Mentee, one "must have lived in Canada for less than 3 years and have limited or no Canadian experience; have the required English skills; have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent; be eligible to work in Canada; currently unemployed or underemployed ;and currently actively seeking work."
"Mentors must have worked in their field for at least 3 years and have a combination of industry knowledge and experience They should have active links to professional associations and business networks and recent experience in their occupational field."
Mentors and Mentees are requested to "commit to a total of 24 hours over four months. Meetings between them can be in person, online, over the phone and include referral meetings" on arranged schedules.
For applications and further information about the FCT -TRIEC Mentoring Partnership Program, contactMary Ann San Juanat:,Tel.orWendy Arenaat: , Tel..( T. San Juan).