By Tony A. San Juan, OCT-Retired
May 12, 2021

The Philippine Ambassador to Canada, His Excellency Rodolfo D. Robles, on April 30, 2021, meet with several Filipino Canadian leaders in Ontario. As arranged and organized by the Philippine Consul General to Toronto, Honourable Orontes Castro, the meet-and-greet session in Toronto, Canada was undertaken via Zoom Meeting. The virtual meeting followed a series of get-to-know-you engagements which R.P. Ambassador Robles initiated to meet with Filipino Canadian leaders across Canada.
Notable leaders and representatives of Filipino Canadian community organizations in Ontario, including certain elected and appointed civic officials of Filipino heritage, severally welcomed warmly and wonderfully the new Phillippine Government envoy. Aptly acting as host and moderator of the online meeting, Consul General O. Castro after his opening remarks formally introduced Ambassador Robles and also presided over the evening's very productive meeting.
Amongst those who joined in are Manitoba MLA Jon Reyes, Brampton Councillor Rowena Santos, Ajax Councillor Lisa Bower, TCDSB Trustee Garry Tanuan, DPCDSB Trustee Luz del Rosario, Toronto Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen De Villa, professional & community association heads such as Erlinda Insigne of FCAV, Monina Serrano of FFC0, Tony San Juan of FHHC, Joe Damasco of KOR-Canada Region, Yolanda Ladines of MFFC, Rosemer Enverga of PCCF, Ben Corpuz of PIDC, Rose Tijam of PPCO, Cielito Drapeza of PTAC, Carol Banez of SOSA, and many other leading Filipino Canadian non-profit organizations.
In his short address, Ambassador Robles thanked the members of the community for joining him and also shared his current initiatives for the Filipinos and their families in Canada. ConGen Castro introduced each of the participants and allowed each one to describe briefly the nature and work of their respective organizations. Ambassador Robles listened and acknowledged the suggestions and concerns presented by the leaders on areas, where the assistance of the Philippine Government would be meaningful and significant.
The good Ambassador praised the contributions and achievements of the various community organizations in Ontario and in other Canadian provinces, particularly citing the vital role of Filipino Canadian health care workers and front liners during the pandemic crisis. He cited the "Credentials Recognition Canada" endeavour and also encouraged the participants to continue promoting and propagating their Filipino heritage and values with their children and the next generations of Filipino-Canadians.

The online event was one of several initiatives being undertaking by Ambassador Robles of reaching out through the civic, community, and professional leaders to over 900,000 Filipinos and Filipino Canadians in the 10 Canadian provinces and three territories. The meeting was also a good way of enhancing further Filipino and Canadian diplomatic and economic relations. ( Tony A. San Juan, OCT-Retired)