Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations-NSW Australia
By Richard J Ford - APCO Inc. PRO
May 4, 2021
APCO 24th 2 L-R Back Row Standing-Richard J Ford, Dian Ford, Alma Middlebrook, Roberto Sacilotto, Linda Trinidad, Rita Agostino, Violi Calvert, Pet Storey, Mars Cavestany and Edna Voros. Front Row Sitting- Linda Price, Larry Perez, Paul Lynch MLA, Jhun Salazar and Cora Paras.
The newly elected Board of Management of the Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (APCO) Inc. for 2021-2023, was officially inducted into office by Mr Paul Lynch M.L.A. Member for Liverpool on the 24th March 2021 at the Liverpool Library. The event was also witnessed by Alric Bulseco, President of the NSW Philippine Community Council.
The newly-elected Officers are :
President – Jhun Salazar
Vice-President Senior – Cora Paras IPP
Vice-President Junior – Larry Perez
Secretary – Linda Price
Treasurer – Edna Voros
Internal Auditor – Alma Middlebrook
Press Relations Officer – Richard J Ford
Directors- Rita Agostino, Joe Agostino, Linda Trinidad, Roberto Sacilotto, Mars Cavestany, Violi Miguel, Dian Ford, Pet Storey.
Absent was Joe Agostino.
After the photo shoot, everyone stayed for a quiet celebration followed by the Monthly Meeting.
The newly sworn-in President Jhun Salazar addressed the members of the board with a synopsis of activities that will cater for the young and old, particularly, the promotion of health and fitness to improve confidence and vitality of each member to better serve the wider community.
President Salazar expressed his hopes and intense desire for a united and reinvigorated APCO.
APCO Inc. holds its Induction Ceremony of the newly elected Board of Management for 2021-2023
By Richard J Ford - APCO Inc. PRO
May 4, 2021

The newly elected Board of Management of the Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (APCO) Inc. for 2021-2023, was officially inducted into office by Mr Paul Lynch M.L.A. Member for Liverpool on the 24th March 2021 at the Liverpool Library. The event was also witnessed by Alric Bulseco, President of the NSW Philippine Community Council.
The newly-elected Officers are :
President – Jhun Salazar
Vice-President Senior – Cora Paras IPP
Vice-President Junior – Larry Perez
Secretary – Linda Price
Treasurer – Edna Voros
Internal Auditor – Alma Middlebrook
Press Relations Officer – Richard J Ford
Directors- Rita Agostino, Joe Agostino, Linda Trinidad, Roberto Sacilotto, Mars Cavestany, Violi Miguel, Dian Ford, Pet Storey.
Absent was Joe Agostino.
After the photo shoot, everyone stayed for a quiet celebration followed by the Monthly Meeting.
The newly sworn-in President Jhun Salazar addressed the members of the board with a synopsis of activities that will cater for the young and old, particularly, the promotion of health and fitness to improve confidence and vitality of each member to better serve the wider community.
President Salazar expressed his hopes and intense desire for a united and reinvigorated APCO.