Pray first, and get the vaccine shot

April 20, 2021
The world today is in chaos because of this Covid-19 pandemic.
Living these days is stressful; all we could read in the papers and watch on the televisions are pandemic updates: the Covid-19 infection is surging, people are dying, and hospitals are full of infected patients.
Words and phrases that come to mind these days are lockdowns, stay-at-home, variant cases climb, wear your masks etc.
Life’s uncertainty is what is foremost in most people's minds—and they are at a loss on what to do.
As simple as being vaccinated against this virus is not even an easy decision;
As things stand now, the people cannot even rely on doctors and scientists as to the efficacy of the virus medications, their severe reactions and side effects-- they are not in agreement with the proper use of vaccines to fight off this Covid-19 virus.
However, all is not lost; we can all take some comforts and peace of mind through the Holy Writings—The Bible— despite all these depressing conditions happening in our midst.
Let me tell you my story:
Before going to the Scarborough Town Center to get jabbed with the vaccine, I read Proverbs 3:5-6 that says " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely* on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight."
With these verses in mind, my wife and I proceeded to go to the vaccination center, where I had my first shot of Pfizer vaccine last April 11.
We left the house early, thinking that there could be a long line of people, but it was good because we came early. When we arrived, a man fronting the door directed us to proceed to the reception area, and upon reaching it, we were immediately assisted and interviewed by a woman.
She asked us about some of our concerns and other issues, like allergies. When discussing these issues, my wife expressed her worries about not being comfortable with taking the vaccine.
She has some allergies, and she had read some of the side effects of the vaccine that might affect her. Anyway, after that short interview, we proceeded to go straight to the nurse who was supposed to do the injection. And we were there, a more thorough discussion we had about our concerns, especially my case. I told her that I have some fears of having this shot because of my previous experience.
Initially, I hesitated to get vaccinated because, being a cancer survivor, I have been traumatized by a vaccine.
In December 1998, I had my flu shot, and after taking that vaccine, I began to feel sort of flu, and it lasted for more than three weeks. After a while, I told my family to take me to the hospital because I feared that it was not flu that put me down for a long time. When we reached the hospital and took some examinations, the doctor told me that I had leukemia. The doctors could not believe my story that my flu shot could have triggered my cancer—in short, I became another statistic, and I had been bedridden the whole year 1999.
After telling that story, I said, "I'm taking the shot because I don’t have any choice—and this covid-19 pandemic, we are virtually dealing with an invincible enemy." However, the nurse assured me that after the shot, I could stay there for the next 15 minutes because if I would have any strong reaction to the vaccine, it would show immediately within those minutes.
I took my shot at 12:40 p.m., and by 1:14, we were out of the station. Paramedics were on hand to assist people who had just taken the vaccine shots, and just in case of an emergency, there was an ambulance on standby.
Most of the people there were seniors, some were in canes and on wheelchairs, but overall, everything was in order. Before we left, I got a little note and a little card that says "I had my vaccine."
I have been Ok since taking the vaccine; I have no adverse reaction.
In a situation we are facing these days, fighting an invincible enemy--the virus is in the air-- all we can do is pray and supplicate our God, Jehovah, for help, and He is the only Hearer of Prayer (Psalms 65:2)