By Ric de Vera
April 16, 2021
Sydney NSW golfers team headed by Arnold Villamayor (holding trophy in yellow shirt) after winning the 27th FilAussie Interstate Friendship golf cup presented at the awards ceremony and lunch at Fox Hill golf club function centre .
The State of New South Wales in Australia captained by Arnold Villamayor won the 27th FilAussie Interstate Friendship Golf Cup held over two days during Easter weekend on April 3 & 4, 2021 at Fox Hills Golf club by garnering total team stableford points of 358, under the ‘seven to play five to count’ system of scoring.
New South Wales was awarded with monumental trophy donated by Ed Montero plus $150 cash prize. “We are very lucky that our team’s knowledge of the golf course played a lot for winning this year’s series. Thanks to all my team members for making a back-to-back win possible” said an ecstatic Arnold.
27th FilAussie Interstate Friendship golf cup individual overall winner Robert Bolina (middle) after receiving his trophy from team captain Arnold Villamayor (extreme left) and his cash prize from coordinator Ric de Vera (extreme right).
Individual over-all champion was won by Robert Bolina from Sydney with his total two-day stableford score of 82 points. He was awarded with monumental trophy donated by Ed Montero plus $150 cash prize for his fantastic efforts. “Am excited to win as the individual over-all champion” said Robert with a grin.
Day one division winners were Ray Rodriguez (NSW) for A with score of 40 points and Robert Wong (ACT) for B with score of 38 points. Both division winners were awarded with $100 cash prize each.
Day two division winners were Bruce Jnani (ACT) for A with score of 43 points and Arnold Villamayor (NSW) for B with score of 38 points winning by count back. These division winners were awarded with cash prize of $100 each.
Novelty hole winners on day one were Nearest the pins (by division) on all par three at $10 per hole, except special hole #15 with $30 donated by Henry Villadiego.
Novelty hole winners on day two were nearest the pins on par three, drive & pitch on par four and longest drive on par five (by division) at $10 per hole donated by Art Sta Barbara, except nearest the pin on special hole #15 at $30 donated by Henry Villadiego.
Participants from other states/territories were six (6) from Victoria, five (5) from Australian Capital Territory and three (3) from South Australia. Due to current Covid-19 pandemic, apologies were received from Northern Territory (Oscar Parian) and Queensland (Nestor Jongko).
Last year’s 26th Fil-Aussie Interstate Friendship golf cup series was held in the Philippines for four days and was finished just time for the lockdown in Manila due to Covid-19 pandemic. The series was won by state of New South Wales. Part of the proceeds was earmarked for donation to the Missionaries of Charity in Tondo, Manila.
Left photo:Day one division winners with their state/territory: Ray Rodriguez (left from NSW) for Div A and Robert Wong (right from ACT) for Div B.; Right photo: Day two division winners with their state/territory: Arnold Villamayor (left from NSW) for B and Bruce Jnani (right from ACT) for Div A.
The 28th (2022) series of this annual FilAussie interstate friendship golf tournament would be held in Adelaide (South Australia) during Easter long weekend to be hosted by Pinoy Golfers of Adelaide headed by Louie de Guia and assisted by Edwin Galmesa. Any golfer interested to join should call this writer on 0416 466 351 or Louie de Guia on 0412 955 759 for inquiries and booking.

April 16, 2021

The State of New South Wales in Australia captained by Arnold Villamayor won the 27th FilAussie Interstate Friendship Golf Cup held over two days during Easter weekend on April 3 & 4, 2021 at Fox Hills Golf club by garnering total team stableford points of 358, under the ‘seven to play five to count’ system of scoring.
New South Wales was awarded with monumental trophy donated by Ed Montero plus $150 cash prize. “We are very lucky that our team’s knowledge of the golf course played a lot for winning this year’s series. Thanks to all my team members for making a back-to-back win possible” said an ecstatic Arnold.

Individual over-all champion was won by Robert Bolina from Sydney with his total two-day stableford score of 82 points. He was awarded with monumental trophy donated by Ed Montero plus $150 cash prize for his fantastic efforts. “Am excited to win as the individual over-all champion” said Robert with a grin.
Day one division winners were Ray Rodriguez (NSW) for A with score of 40 points and Robert Wong (ACT) for B with score of 38 points. Both division winners were awarded with $100 cash prize each.
Day two division winners were Bruce Jnani (ACT) for A with score of 43 points and Arnold Villamayor (NSW) for B with score of 38 points winning by count back. These division winners were awarded with cash prize of $100 each.
Novelty hole winners on day one were Nearest the pins (by division) on all par three at $10 per hole, except special hole #15 with $30 donated by Henry Villadiego.
Novelty hole winners on day two were nearest the pins on par three, drive & pitch on par four and longest drive on par five (by division) at $10 per hole donated by Art Sta Barbara, except nearest the pin on special hole #15 at $30 donated by Henry Villadiego.
Participants from other states/territories were six (6) from Victoria, five (5) from Australian Capital Territory and three (3) from South Australia. Due to current Covid-19 pandemic, apologies were received from Northern Territory (Oscar Parian) and Queensland (Nestor Jongko).
Last year’s 26th Fil-Aussie Interstate Friendship golf cup series was held in the Philippines for four days and was finished just time for the lockdown in Manila due to Covid-19 pandemic. The series was won by state of New South Wales. Part of the proceeds was earmarked for donation to the Missionaries of Charity in Tondo, Manila.

The 28th (2022) series of this annual FilAussie interstate friendship golf tournament would be held in Adelaide (South Australia) during Easter long weekend to be hosted by Pinoy Golfers of Adelaide headed by Louie de Guia and assisted by Edwin Galmesa. Any golfer interested to join should call this writer on 0416 466 351 or Louie de Guia on 0412 955 759 for inquiries and booking.