A Fairy Tale 25th Wedding Anniversary of Chelita Capilitan and Kees Korthouwer

Angel Axinto
Photos courtesy of: Chelita Korthouwer – Capilitan and Mherzy van der Steen – Germarino
Koog aan de Zaan-The Netherlands
December 18, 2015
Purple and white was the theme of the anniversary and the transforation of the hall was amazing! The guests arrived in their best outfit, all smiles and very enthusiastic to greet and witness the couples’ happy celebration.
Married in the Philippines on November 21, 1990, Mr. and Mrs. Korthouwer celebrated last November 20, 2015 at the Het Vuister Molenwerf , Koog aan de Zaan in Amsterdam, their wedding anniversary and rekindled their vows as they did 25 years ago.
It might take a few seconds, hours, days and even months for two people to fall in love..but it will take a lifetime to prove their worth. And marriage is more than just a piece of paper, it is a commitment of love, respect, trust, devotion and most of all understanding. And this couple has it all. For 25 blessed years these two people are still happily in love with each other, doing things together, loving and sharing 24/7…and most of all, they both enjoy the same things together.
All of their friends, myself included, knows that Lita and Kees party together!...It is just unbelievable how much energy they have to be present on every parties. And not only that, they are the first ones to hit the dance floor and the last the leave. You can take my word for it! They are unbeatable!!!
The 25 years wedding anniversary of sweet loving couple Kees and Lita Korthouwer- Capilitan was indeed an extraordinary celebration. Strongly moving on to the 50