St Theresa’s College Quezon City
By Evelyn A Opilas
September 27, 2021
St Theresa’s College QC to mark Diamond Jubilee in 2022.
Alumnae of St Theresa’s College Quezon City have until Monday, 1 November 2021 to submit their manuscripts for ‘Solitaires’, a collection of stories on light, life and love to mark the school’s Diamond Jubilee in 2022.
Edited by a team with award-winning publisher Marily Ysip-Orosa of Studio Five Designs at the helm, the anthology is open only to graduates of STCQC Elementary, High School, and College from 1947-2022.
“STCQC is likened to a precious multifaceted diamond whose brilliance and sparkle come from its alumnae who are proof of the school’s standard of excellence,” said Ms Orosa.
Alumnae may submit stories that revolve around memories or vignettes of significant events in their life that display the qualities of a diamond—carat, colour, clarity, and cut:
Carat —stories on important life changing events and how one came out victorious or not but always with lessons learned
Colour —stories on happy and colourful depiction of simple joys with family and friends that impacted one’s life
Clarity —stories of important figures who clearly made a mark in one’s life journey or led to a fresh start
Cut —stories like different diamond shapes can be written as serious or hilarious first-person encounters.
The stories must reflect the values learned at STCQC, and told as inspiring, true-to-life, endearing vignettes, reminiscers, flashbacks that contribute to the school’s image as a sparkling diamond.
Manuscripts may be sent to and can have up to 1500 words maximum, letter size, double spaced, in Cambria font with the author’s name, batch/year, email address, and phone contact on top of the first page.
Further information, please contact: Evelyn A Opilas, Mobile: +61 405 607 228
‘Solitaires’ deadline soon!

September 27, 2021

Alumnae of St Theresa’s College Quezon City have until Monday, 1 November 2021 to submit their manuscripts for ‘Solitaires’, a collection of stories on light, life and love to mark the school’s Diamond Jubilee in 2022.
Edited by a team with award-winning publisher Marily Ysip-Orosa of Studio Five Designs at the helm, the anthology is open only to graduates of STCQC Elementary, High School, and College from 1947-2022.
“STCQC is likened to a precious multifaceted diamond whose brilliance and sparkle come from its alumnae who are proof of the school’s standard of excellence,” said Ms Orosa.
Alumnae may submit stories that revolve around memories or vignettes of significant events in their life that display the qualities of a diamond—carat, colour, clarity, and cut:
Carat —stories on important life changing events and how one came out victorious or not but always with lessons learned
Colour —stories on happy and colourful depiction of simple joys with family and friends that impacted one’s life
Clarity —stories of important figures who clearly made a mark in one’s life journey or led to a fresh start
Cut —stories like different diamond shapes can be written as serious or hilarious first-person encounters.
The stories must reflect the values learned at STCQC, and told as inspiring, true-to-life, endearing vignettes, reminiscers, flashbacks that contribute to the school’s image as a sparkling diamond.
Manuscripts may be sent to and can have up to 1500 words maximum, letter size, double spaced, in Cambria font with the author’s name, batch/year, email address, and phone contact on top of the first page.
Further information, please contact: Evelyn A Opilas, Mobile: +61 405 607 228