APCO launches Virtual Star Search “Talinoz.”
By Richard J Ford- APCO- inc. PRO
September 19, 2021

The Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations Inc. (APCO Inc.) led by President Jhun Salazar unequivocally try a new way of beating the boredom of continuous lockdowns and came up with the concept of harnessing raw talents through a Virtual Star Search ‘TalinoZ’ a talent competition.
The contest is open to amateurs who can sing, dance, play an instrument, do magic tricks, mime, lipsync, impersonations, stand-up comedy, poetry, or use your own skills and imagination to impress and entertain the judges and the crowd in the virtual world.
For further details check the Talinoz Virtual Showcase Facebook page and post your entry there, through Messenger or email your Audition Video to . All the details are listed on the Facebook page as well as the Conditions of Entry. If you wish to audition, please do not forget to leave your name, email and mobile number.
The Panel’s Action Group comprise of - Larry Perez Chairperson, Rita Agostino Vice Chairperson, Dizzy Dizon –Technical, Video and Sound Engineer, Evelyn Zaragoza - Media Liaison and Promotion Specialist and Vilma Tolosa Virtual Project Manager. Cora Paras, Violi Miguel and Linda Trinidad to act as Censors. The Judges for the competition have yet to be decided.
The auditions will be played on Radio Tamaraw, and entries will be posted on Facebook and YouTube. The number of likes will count towards the point scores for the final three winners. So as the saying goes, ‘the world is your oyster’, you have to be in it to win. By joining now, you will be on your way to becoming a shining star.
Dizzy Dizon
Sydney Australia
Sunday 19th of September 2021
Just to clarify, the email address to send video or link to is: [email protected]
Sydney Australia
Sunday 19th of September 2021
Just to clarify, the email address to send video or link to is: [email protected]