FilCan Educators Group Sets Annual Conference for Internationally Trained Teachers

Tony A. San Juan, OCT.
September 22, 2016
PTAC, organized in May 2006, is composed of certified -and- practicing Filipino Canadian teachers in public, Catholic and private educational institutions in Ontario. The only
samahan ng mga guro is holding the yearly gathering in joint sponsorship with
Kababayan Multicultural Centre ( KMC), a 35-year old community service provider in immigrants settlement and adjustment .
This year's theme is :
"Commitment to Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom". The conference topics include , among others, are Filipino Families Alongside Migration Issues & Educational Challenges; New Policies and Procedures in Ontario Teacher Certification; Alternative Career Building for Teachers. Noted Canadian academic leaders and exemplary Filipino education professionals are invited to participate and make presentations.
The Conference is free and complimentary meals & snacks will be served.
"Certificates of Participation" will be issued to Attendees. Interested teachers , PTAC members and community members are encouraged to attend by registering,
ASAP via:
www. (Make a Difference-Get in Touch) or contacting Perly Laganas-Tel. 416-763-8724 or Maricon Bernasor- Tel. 905-795-2617.
( Tony A. San Juan)