Knights of Columbus # 9144 Pilgrimage to Quebec
Dindo Orbeso
August 14, 2016
To Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Prince of Peace Knights of Columbus Council # 9144 brought their parishioners to a Pilgrimage to Quebec. Coordinator SK Keith Coutinho, PGK and his active Knights brought the Pilgrims to Quebec City to pass through the Holy Door of Notre-Dame de Quebec. They then toured the historical City of Quebec.
They proceeded to the Shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, the renowned pilgrimage site for over 350 years, to attend the evening
Mass in St. Anne Basilica, followed by
Candle Light Procession around the Basilica.
The Pilgrims also had an opportunity to pass and pray through another
Door of Mercy at Sainte-Anne-deBeaupre Basilica and participated in the Sunday Mass in the Chapel, celebrated by
Fr. Richard and assisted by
Deacon Terrence Rebello.