News Update-Knights of Rizal-The Hague Chapter
Dutch-Philippine charity-organisations get acquainted with each other
Mike van Hulten
Kerkdriel-The Netherlands
June 21, 2016
Yet, every foundation has its own approach and its own point of view and mission. Some of these foundations cooperate in their efforts but the greater part does not know too much about each other, each others specific activities, contacts, ways of fundraising etcetera.
Getting more knowledge about each other and exchange of points of view and experience could well lead to, for instance, combined efforts in tackling problems, support for each other and therefore better results. This train of thoughts came up with Steef Klarenbeek (Stichting House of Refuge) and myself (independent).
A first getting together of a limited number of these foundations was already planned and expected for some time but was finally set at 18
th June to commemorate Jose Rizals 155
th birthday the day after. The Dutch Chapter of the Knights of Rizal took care of the organisation and the Ambassador of the Philippines in the Netherlands, Sir Jet Ledda, was also present and interested to hear and see what all these Dutch foundations are doing on a daily basis for the needy nationals of his country. His presence therefore was an expression of appreciation from the Philippine authorities towards all the many Dutch initiatives in favour of Philippine communities and individuals.
The meeting took place in a typically old but restyled and museum-like Dutch farmhouse in the rural surroundings of Kerkdriel where every present foundation presented itself. The informal acquaintances during the afternoon soon resulted in vivid and passionate conversations as people found each other in common interests and activities. Unfortunately, the time-frame did not permit more than just a limited number of foundations to take part as more showed their interest in meetings like this. The meeting will be evaluated by all concerned and perhaps that possibly later occasions will cover a wider range of Dutch foundations.
For more info: email to [email protected]