Hawaiian Festival for Seniors at Prince of Peace Parish
Romeo Ayzon Zetazate
August 30, 2015
The Prince of Peace Chuch Hall was converted to a Hawaiian Island, complete with a Volcano with guests in grass skirts and hawaiian cotumes. They danced with the Hawaiian music and enjoyed the delicious polynesian food.
The Seniors group was led by
Charity Ahmad. She was supported by her regular group of
Angela and Albert Akam, Kay and Peter Lue, Doreen Pinto, Cynthia Acayan, Vi Loresco, Elizabeth Cruz, Susan Mohamed, Claire Fok, Bonnie Kwong, Ellen and Sonia Yam, who decorated the Prince of Peace Hall to look like a Hawaiian Island and served the delicious polynesian food.
They also enjoyed playing the Hawaiian Bingo, did hawaiian dances with the music of Jay Selda, sung with the karaoke machine and served the over 100 guests. This event was hosted by Pastor Rev. Fr. Regulo Imperial for the parishioners and the seniors in the community. Everybody enjoyed their visit to Hawaii in Scarborough.