By Michelli Collado
Sydney, Australia
February 6, 2014
If you’re depressed, in need of a little push or simply bored, get a hobby. Aside from providing you with ample distraction, a hobby can also be a metaphor for life.
Running taught me that limits are self-imposed and that pain is temporary. Singing taught me that talent and worth do not hinge on other people’s appreciation of you. With writing, I learned to edit out the unnecessary. Grit and courage are recurring themes in all three. Photography, meanwhile, is about keeping calm and revelling in the present moment.
Taking photos is about finding beauty in everything from the mundane to the unsightly. It is about freezing one moment, no matter what it is, because you feel it is worth remembering. The perspective is yours, and nobody else has to consider it art for you to believe so.
Life is but a collection of moments, and we have a choice to frame each one as we choose – just as we can a photograph. A setback is not a failure, but a lesson. A closed door does not mean ‘No,’ it means ‘There’s a better way.’ Everything is subject to interpretation and merely changing your angle can expose the positive. So step on a rock, crouch down low, lie on the grass. You may scrape your knee or accidentally flash a stranger if it’s windy and you’re wearing a skirt, but finding the right perspective is always worth it. It gives you the drive to keep taking shot after shot after shot.
There is power in each moment. Seize it. Frame it.
Click. Repeat.