Ontario FilCan Catholic Parents Organization Sets 3rd Annual Conference
Tony A. San Juan, OCT.
April 18, 2017
Faithful to its mission and mandate, the Filipino Canadian Parents Association in Catholic Education - FCPACE will hold its Third Annual Conference on June 3, 2017, Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School, 21 Kenmark Blvd., Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario. This year's theme is: " Ensuring Successful Transition : Parental Strategies for Student Educational Success".
Purposefully, the conference aims to encourage, engage, and assist parents and guardians to determine and understand the strategies and best practices involved in school transition programs. The conference program and workshops, specifically, will afford participants an opportunity to develop and enhance their parental responsibilities and capabilities in guiding their children or wards to successfully pursue and meet the challenge of academic transitions with in the elementary , secondary & post-secondary education ladder. Discussants might also cover pertinent aspects of relevant approaches for newcomer immigrant -parents and students to effectively handle transition challenges in a new school-learning environment.
The day - long event will feature : a 30- minute mass service, keynote address & messages, parent-teacher-student workshops, short entertainment, gift raffles, networking, and fellowship . A complimentary meal and refreshment will be served. This is the second time that funding support is being provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education under its
Parents Reaching Out -PRO Grant. Invited to serve as Resource Persons and Workshop Panelists are recognized Filipino - Canadian community & religious leaders, school administrators, teachers & education practitioners, and other allied education and technical professionals.
FCPACE , organized on November 6, 2013. is an organization of FilCan parents and guardians with children and wards in Catholic school boards in Ontario. With its credo of : "Faith, Family, Formation "
( Pananampalataya, Pamilya at Pagkakahubog), the
Association is fully dedicated to the propagation of Catholic faith & tradition and the ideals of Christianity. As a parent community advocate , its committed representation has led to the formation of the
Filipino Advisory Committee ( F.A.C.) in the Toronto Catholic District School Board( TCDSB). It has also established ongoing and collaborative partnership with other parent groups, community-based organizations and stakeholders.
Individuals and parents who are interested in becoming an FCPACE Member and/ or would like to attend the conference may contact : Paulina Corpuz at :jp.corpuz@gmail .com / Tel. or Joseph Redoblado at: / Tel. . Alternatively,email to : fcpace.toronto @gmail.com /or check out : www. facebook.com/fcpacetoronto.
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. Come One, Come All ! ( Tony A. San Juan).