Prince of Peace Parish Lenten Mission Holy Mass and Healing of Parishioners
Dindo Orbeso
April 15, 2017
Prince of Peace Parish Lenten Mission was held at the Prince of Peace Church in Scarborough, as part of the Holy week celebrations. Pastor
Rev. Fr. Lorenzo, together with
Rev. Fr. Albert MacPherson celebrated five day of Holy Masses and Healing after the evening Masses.
On the last three evenings, the
Sir Knights of Bishop Charles P. Greco Assembly provided KC Honor Guards during the procession
(with the Cross and the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe) and blessing of the parishioners. The KC Honor guards also served as catchers during the healing ceremonies, when Fr. Albert and Fr. Lorenzo approach each parishioner bringing the
Holy Spirit to the individual parishioners.
The parishioners were so peaceful and happy after they received
"the Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit".